News Archive
Lighting design for Peepletree Co-Work
Artwork creation process
We started new video series - 'Artwork creation process'. First two episodes are published on our Youtube channel.
Black Hills Moto Film Festival 2021
Two our films has been selected to show at Black Hills Moto Film Festival 2021.
Mango Story
This video is about Velanga Orchards and Slow Pottery Art Residency
Santa Cruz Moto Film Festival 2021
Our film 'Jagannath Tour 2020' Episode 2 has been selected to show at Santa Cruz Moto Film Festival 2021.
Legendary Motorcycles of India
After "$#it hit the fan" era is over and we will be able to move around and meet people, we will start production of 'Legendary Motorcycles of India' series.
More New Videos
New videos
December, 2020
New Artworks
at our Gallery. Just a reminder - we are open.
Annual 'Artists' Day 25th October' exhibition
Welcome to Peepletree Art Gallery's annual International Artists' Day 2020 exhibition.
This is a one-of-a-kind show to celebrate creative self expression, where artists are hosted by Peepletree to participate at no cost. This is an open invitation to artists, both professional and amateur (who do not have formal training but create more professional quality work).
This year, with the pandemic and the need for social distancing, we take it online. Hopefully next year we will be able to host as usual, a non-virtual event at our gallery.
So here, now, we present the works of our participating artists. We invite you to enjoy this virtual show. Thank you and enjoy!
New music video
This is director's cut.
Final, officially released by client version might be different. Audio in this video is "working variant", not the final.
New type of animation
An experiment. We tried new type of animation for new Series 'Biker Rising'.
Festive Peepletree Branding
Our Newest Showreel
A lot of social media designs are made
Various examples of images and videos
Two more workshops in February
Branding for upcoming rides
Videos made after the rides.
Turn of decades videos
New videos
All episodes of 'Conquering Europe 2019' finished. Episode 1 - Riga, the capital of Latvia. Episode 2 - Latvia's Countryside. Episode 3 - charity ride with Latvian bikers. Episode 4 - bikers meetup at Madona. Episode 5 - Celebration of Midsummer Eve Festival. Episode 6 - TET Latvia (Līgatne-Sigulda). Episode 7 - Tallinn (Estonia). All videos playlist here.
Peepletree Art Gallery hosted "Latvian Cultural Evening" LATVIEŠU KULTŪRAS VAKARS event in celebration of the 101st Independence Day of Latvia. Event happened on Nov. 16th